Special Educational Needs and Disability
Living, Learning and Growing Together in God’s Love
Jesus said ‘I came to give life – life in all its fullness’ John 10:10
We are a school rooted in God and our community through our founders. We continue their vision to welcome, nurture and enable all to flourish and develop as unique individuals who share their gifts with each other and the wider world.
In accordance with our Christian ethos, Weston Favell CE Primary School is an inclusive school and we believe passionately in the importance of inclusion and equality for all children. These values are at the heart of all of our SEND practices.
Parents and carers are the first educators in their child’s life and we know that their knowledge and co-operation can support us in planning effective provision for their children. We involve parents with key decisions and with the planning and reviewing of progress of the children with SEND.
We offer a whole school approach to providing for the needs of our children with SEND. Our staff have the knowledge and skills to support all children in our school including those children with SEND. Quality First Teaching is our starting point, every teacher is a teacher of SEND.
We know that the earlier we can identify children with SEND and provide support the more successful they will be. We are committed to ensuring that children achieve their full potential by removing barriers to children’s learning and providing effective support and resources.
Mrs Kelly Rich is the Special Educational Needs and Disability Co-ordinator (SENDCo) and she works closely with school staff and outside agencies to support and assess children as needs arise. She can be contacted at or on the school number 01604 401547.
All of our staff in school are there to support any children who have Special Educational Needs or Disabilities
Here you can download full copies of our school SEND policies and reports for reference.
School Information Report 2024-25
Complaints Procedure for SEND Pupils
Title | Download |
pdf School offer parent leaflet WFPS | Download |